Recently, on Thursday, Nov 21, 2024, at its monthly Member Meeting, the Richmond Audubon Society (RAS) held its Annual Potluck and Photo Presentation.
This annual event stands as a well-attended and well-appreciated RAS tradition for many years.
About 40-45 RAS members enjoyed an evening of great food and great bird photos.
Thank you to the First Unitarian Church for serving as a nice venue for our monthly Member Meetings, including this event. Thanks, Bare, the church representative, who managed to set up and take down lots of tables and chairs in a successful and timely manner.
Thank you to our RAS Hospitality Chair, Lynne Evans, and her potluck volunteer crew for arranging a nice room atmosphere in which all enjoyed the many and varied potluck offerings. Apparently several recipes were exchanged for some wonderful dishes.
Thank you to our RAS President, Eileen Geller, for coordinating the event. Eileen brought along some RAS items from our storage unit, such as books and pamphlets, which were available for members to obtain. Eileen managed to keep the event on track: we finished around 9:00 pm, which is impressive for a potluck dinner and the propensity of RAS birders to elaborate enthusiastically during the Photo Presentation.
Thank you to our photo presenters for yet another display of wonderful photos. We had 17 RAS bird photographers present photos from this past year. Members commented on the incredible quality of bird photos, taken from around Virginia and even around the world. All enjoyed the stories behind the photos which were fascinating and fun, from fledgling screech owls (which were so cute that some suspected they were children's stuffed animals) to a chimney owl rescue (where Julie K claimed no one was injured, though it appeared otherwise) to everything in between.
And, finally, thank you to our 40-45 attendees for coming out and sharing both great food and great bird fellowship.
See y’all next year.
(Report from Mario Grasso, RAS Publicity Chair)
Check out a sampling of photos from the evening!
To view all photos with more details, click here.
Photo by Julie Kacmarcik
PO Box 26648, Richmond, VA 23261