Help make a difference! Become actively involved with Richmond Audubon Society by protecting the birds, other wildlife and the environment. Help to ensure that future generations can benefit from and enjoy all the beauty nature has to offer!
Contact us for ways that you can become a more active member or submit the volunteer form below.
Our volunteer opportunities include helping with field trips, programs, conservation, educational activities, coordinating membership meetings and more. You may want to get involved in administrative activities or share your knowledge and passion for birds and nature. Keep your eye on the website and our Facebook page for additional opportunities.
Richmond Audubon Society works in conjunction with various organizations including:
We work with public schools and scout troops to bring nature, education, experience and our youth together. We lobby the state government on ecological and conservation issues as they arise.
Other activities include educational programs on birds, bird nest boxes and feeding, identification and appreciation, gardening for the birds, youth outreach and local conservation.
We participate in numerous avian population surveys including:
Many Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops as well as Richmond Audubon members have volunteered and constructed many Prothonotary nest boxes.
“Adopt a Highway” litter clean-up at Dutch Gap and participated in the annual Larry Robinson James River Count for over 34 years gaining bird species data for the James River Park system.
Our members have also helped with the following programs:
PO Box 26648, Richmond, VA 23261