If you are interested in getting updates about daily sightings and trips, we have an Email Discussion List (Freelist/Listserv) that can keep you in the loop.
Our discussion topics range from:
* Hot birding sites and sightings
* Local birding trips, excursions around the state of Virginia and beyond
* Timely information on Virginia environmental issues
* Links to Richmond Audubon Society, Virginia Society of Ornithology, National Audubon
Society and more!
Get started:
Go to https://www.freelists.org/list/va-richmond-general
Enter your email then select what you would like to do in the drop down menu
- To post to the list, simply send email to
- To view archives of this list, visit
If you have recently gone on a bird watching trip to a park or nature area in Richmond, you can post to the listserv about your sightings. Highlight notable species and also the location in the subject line. Describe your trip in the body, add a list of your sightings, and/or link to an e-bird checklist in the body of the message. Sign your name and add your city and state to end the e-mail before sending.
Carolina Chickadee | Photo by: unknown
PO Box 26648, Richmond, VA 23261