Each local count occurs within a 15-mile diameter circle. Participants count all the birds they can find in the circle within a 24-hour period. The bird census information gathered on all of these counts has become the world’s longest-running database in ornithology and is maintained by the National Audubon Society.
If you would like to participate in a Virginia Christmas Bird Count near you, the National Audubon Society has a map showing all of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count circles - see that map here. Richmond’s closest ones are Hopewell and Lake Anna.
The results for most of these CBCs in Virginia are stored in a database maintained by Audubon.
Once you have found a nearby count to participate in, contact the Compiler listed for that CBC from the Audubon map.
You don’t need to be an expert to participate, and you don’t have to count for the entire day. In fact, if your home is in the count circle, you can even contribute to the local CBC from home by counting the birds at your feeders.
Even if you can only participate in the field or at home for a few hours, your contribution is important!
Pileated Woodpecker
photo by Julie Kacmarcik
Lake Anna
PO Box 26648, Richmond, VA 23261