To view events in monthly view and easily add to your calendar, go to our Google calendar.
Want to RSVP or see who is attending? Check out events and join us on the Meetup App!
Share with friends, add to the discussion and share photos through our Facebook events!
What did we see? Read a summary of some of our birding events!
Meetings currently being held at:
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond
1000 Blanton Ave, Richmond, VA 23221
There is parking available in the church parking lot and there is ample street parking nearby.
There are NO Member Meetings the months of: June, July, August, December.
You do NOT need to be a RAS member to attend.
ALL are welcome to attend!
(information current as of 03/18/2024)
We love getting and sharing bird photos! Check out our guidelines for submission so your photos are shared with the best quality and attribution.
PO Box 26648, Richmond, VA 23261